Read what clients are saying about their experience with David Wagner at Concrete Personal Training:
“When I started training with David, I was over 100 pounds overweight and even getting up from a chair was a struggle. I’ll never forget our first workout. It was the hardest workout I had ever done, but I was immediately hooked. The challenging workouts were exactly what I needed to help keep my nutrition in check because I knew I needed to choose foods that would help me perform better.
David knew how to scale all of my workouts so that I would be able to do them. As the weight came off, I was able to do more and more. Every workout with David is different and he modifies each one so you can work toward reaching any fitness goal you might have. In about a year, I had lost over 100 pounds! During that year, I injured my knee (not while exercising) and had to have surgery. I was back working out with David one week after surgery, and he was able to tailor my workouts to exercises I could do while recovering. I continue to have some knee problems and he is always cognizant of any injuries and pain I might have and he works around it.
Before David, I had worked with about 5 other personal trainers and he is by far the best. I am beyond grateful for all that David has done to help me reach my goals because I am in the very best shape of my entire life! THANKS DAVID! ”
“I’ll be honest, exercise is not my favorite thing in life. But neither is getting fat and sloppy. So four years ago my wife and I entered a fitness center for the first time, thinking we’d give it a short tryout. We are both getting older and were becoming less and less active, what with work and all. Honestly, we weren’t much impressed with most of the trainers there; but one – Dave – stood out! We insisted that Dave become our trainer and have never regretted that decision. We’re delighted that Dave now has his own business. And while exercise still isn’t my favorite thing, Dave has a special combination of training expertise, motivation, and genuine belief (without the preaching) in what he’s doing that keeps us coming back to him – four years now. He actually enjoys this stuff big time. And, at the end of each session, my wife and I can honestly say “thank you” for how great the workout makes us feel.”
“Dave helped me address Osteoporosis, and with his help, the bone density test on my spine improved 4.5%. I am grateful to Dave’s holistic approach to muscle strengthening!”
“After injuring myself training for a half marathon, I knew that running would not be a sustainable form of exercise for me. I turned to David for help with my injured hip and a new exercise program. We have been working together for almost two years, and I have dramatically increased my strength and lost about 15 pounds. Dave keeps my workouts fresh and fun, and always provides a work around when any of my old figure skating injuries flare up. At 30, I am in better shape than when I was skating competitively in my teens!”
“I was an off and on group exerciser for years, injured my knee and suddenly step and even low impact aerobics were not an option. I decided to focus on strength training, but was getting nowhere with dumbbells and videos at home. I wasn’t sure what to expect from working with a personal trainer, but I’m happy to say that working with David turned out to be exactly what I was looking for:
• I’ve become stronger than I thought was possible. Dave constantly observes and adjusts my workout to meet the way I’m physically responding, during each session and over time. I try harder than I would on my own because I’m not afraid I’ll get hurt.
• Dave is always willing to answer questions and explain the object and benefit of everything we work on. There is definitely two-way communication.
• We work on strength, balance, coordination, conditioning – no two workouts are alike – which is great motivation for me, always a challenge and never boring!
• He puts 100% of his expertise into working with me, but acknowledges I’ll get out of it exactly what I’m willing to put in. He has a great sense of humor, but a no-nonsense approach to his work.
• He has a gym that he has tailored to his expertise and his client’s needs.
• Not only does every workout leave me feeling like I’ve worked hard, but I also leave with a sense of accomplishment and confidence.
I look forward to working with Dave for a long time to come!”